Thursday, March 26, 2009

6 Months Pics

I keep meaning to post the rest of these and never are his 6 month pictures.
I love being naked :)

He's crawling! Yikes...I'm not sure I'm ready for this, but ready or not, he's on the move. Landon is studying things so intently right now and wanting to get into eeeeverything. I'm a little (ok...a lot) nervous that I can't just leave him lying on the floor unattended while I run to grab something or use the restroom. He is already trying to stick his fingers in the outlets, chew on electrical cords, and pull things down from tables.......I think we're in trouble. He's so super curious about everything he sees right now and has started throwing mini tantrums when I won't let him have whatever it happens to be that he's fixated on at the moment. I think I finally have to come to terms with the fact that he's really becoming a boy instead of a baby......and I really need to get serious about babyproofing....right now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So, I'd really like to write something about Landon that's precious and sweet, like usual, but instead I need a moment to describe my disgusting weekend. I won't gross anyone out with the gory details...I'll just say one word....DIARRHEA! I mean, BAD, ruin outfits, throw away the jammies, 5 baths in 2 days diarrhea. The doctor says not to worry since he doesn't have a fever and he isn't acting funny. He says it's a virus and that we just need to keep filling him full of pedialyte and rice. It's been 3 hours since the last "episode", so I'm hoping that's a good sign and that things are on their way back to normal. Poor guy...all he wants is a bottle of warm milk, and all I can offer him is a bottle of cold grape pedialyte. Here's an adorable new picture, just for fun :)