Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Little Comedian

I hate the time of night when I have to walk out of Landon's room. Not because he's difficult to put to sleep or because he cries but because I just love spending time with him so much sometimes I want him to stay awake! He normally just hangs out in his bed for a while, walking the perimeter of the crib and laughing at himself in the mirror...doesn't normally make too big of a deal about my leaving. The other night, however, as soon as I left the room he started crying and saying, "mamamama." I quickly walked back into his room (I know, sucker, right?) and said, "Did you say mama?" He of course looked at me, squealed with delight, and replied, "dadadada". So, I kissed him, told him I loved him, and walked back out. Once again, he cried out, "mamamama." I, of course, went back in and asked him again if he said mama. What does my precious son say??? "Dadadadada"......and then he belly laughs, like this is the funniest game he's played all day. Does he really know what he's doing/saying? Sure seemed like it that day...and he was playing mom for sure! ......Oh yeah, and in case you can't read his shirt, it appropriately reads "Tugging on Mommy's Heart"...That's for sure!

1 comment:

The Dinwiddie Family said...

Hilarious!!! John loved the story; can't wait for Jaclyn to start saying dada!