Friday, January 23, 2009


Landon got his new exersaucer as an early Christmas present from his Nanny. We gave it to him early because he was wanting to stand up all the time. (Incidentally, this love for standing has made it especially difficult to burp him after feedings since he doesn't want to sit.) Anyway, he seemed to like it from the start, but he didn't quite have the body control to use it well (we had to stuff blankets around him to help support his body). At the time we started putting him in it, he didn't even have long enough arms to reach the toys and he didn't have to motor control to grab at things or push the buttons :) What a difference a month makes! It is absolutely amazing how much he interacts with it now. He has learned how to push the buttons to make things light up and play music, he can grab for the flowers (and of course try to shove them in his mouth), and his feet actually touch the bottom now. I love seeing and hearing him get so excited about things :)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

he has the most adorable face! Love the exersauce. Cole had one that was shaped like a car and had a horn and radio. Even as a baby, he totally knew how to work and drive the car! Aren't they SO fun!?!