Landon has just acquired a new talent...spitting his paci. Now, I don't mean just spitting it out...I mean launching it--projectile paci! He seems to be deciding that he no longer wants to be attached to it (which I suppose is a great thing in the long run)...but rather than just refusing to take it or letting it fall from his mouth, he takes it from me and then spits it at me :) The first time I experienced it, I assumed it had just been an accident...why would my sweet little boy do such a thing, right? But now I've realized he knows exactly what he's doing. He's really growing up way too fast.
We also finally got to enjoy a long walk yesterday, since the weather decided to clear up and be beautiful. It was so sunny and gorgeous that I decided it was the perfect time for Landon to try out his new shades. I 100% expected him to hate them, try to take them off, (and perhaps throw them at me) but he didn't...In fact, he never even touched them the entire time. He looked sooo cute and got a lot of attention for them at the park from all the passers by. He just squealed and smiled back........What a stud :)
Reed has the same shades in green! Adorable! I agree, Landon does look like a little stud... he could hit the slopes in those.
We should get them together sometime :)
Ug! I'm right there with you on the projectile paci...and toys...and socks...and sippy cup. Except Rory THROWS hers clear across the room. And she has quite the overhand. Maybe baseball is in her future? The disciplining has begun in the Jinkerson house!
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