Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I've been looking forward to this week since Christmas...It's my favorite week of the whole year since we don't have school... But it's especially great because most other people are still working :) I enjoy the fact that it's a break from work without the usual commitments that accompany holidays, and I like that I don't have to deal with the crowds of people that exist during other vacations. For weeks now I've been planning all of the things I wanted to get done around the house and all of the fun things Landon and I were going to enjoy together. We had planned many walks to the park, some visits to friends we don't see as often as we'd like, and maybe a trip to get our 6 month pictures taken. So...imagine our disappointment at the unremitting rain. Now, don't get me wrong--I LOVE the rain (and we all know we need it!), but there hasn't been a break...and it's not the best idea to traipse around town in the rain with a baby. To make matters worse, I have to spend much of my week grading papers and working on report cards...UGGHH. I hear we might have a couple of dry days ahead, so maybe we'll get to some of it after all. For now, I'll just enjoy that I get to stay home this week and catch all of the wonderful moments in Landon's life.

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