Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Little Monster :)

First of all, I'm beginning to think we've created a monster, an adorable monster, but a monster nonetheless. I say that affectionately, of course :) We were elated when Landon began signing his first few words and have been eagerly teaching him more and more. His favorite of all signs has been "light"...and this is where our little monster comes in :) He knows light so well and has to point them out everywhere...EVERYWHERE. Oh yeah, and EVERY time. We pass no fewer than 10 lights on our way from his crib, down the stairs, and into the living room, and he points them out and signs "light" for all of them...every time we pass them. First thing when he wakes up, he no longer wants to smile at mommy. No, he wants to make sure that I've seen the light in his room...the same one we talked about before his nap. Imagine his astonishment when we took a trip to the hardware store last weekend and took him to the lighting department. OMG! His legs were kicking like mad and he was signing frantically with both hands :)

Second of all, he has learned that he can control his eyebrows, with which he makes GREAT angry eyes. He enjoys making this face anytime something doesn't go his way and uses it at will to manipulate whomever he can. He also uses these angry eyes on poor unsuspecting, ogling strangers at the supermarket. They admire his cuteness and try talking to him sweetly, and then...all of a sudden...he gives them the angry eyes. They never know quite what to do at this point...I try to reassure them that he's just practicing a new trick he's learned, but...
The look he's giving in the picture isn't quite the same one I'm describing, (the usual one includes a closed mouth with pouty lips) but it is another variation...and also very fake :)

1 comment:

K said...

Oh my goodness those angry eyes are adorable!

It's exciting that he's picked up signs so quickly already. My friend's baby learned bottle and then wouldn't stop signing it and expecting a bottle (ALL DAY LONG!) They are so excited to communicate with us! A little over-eager! ;)