Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ready or Not...He's Walking

I can't believe my baby is walking already! I'm not ready for this, physically, mentally, OR emotionally. We first caught him taking a few steps early last week. He would "walk" from the couch or chair toward a toy on the ground, taking one or two steps and then plopping himself down on his butt. Late last week, Somer and I saw him take 5 in a row before falling and couldn't believe it. It's crazy to me how quickly two little steps have turned into walking all the way across the living room. He seems so thrilled to be able to balance himself so well and loves practicing. I won't deny that he usually resembles a little drunken man as he does so, which almost always results in a good family laugh :) Good job, little man!

1 comment:

The Dinwiddie Family said...

OMG! I can't believe it's happening already! I don't like how fast this seems to be happening to all of my friends' kids; can't they just stay our babies forever? I'm not even wanting to look forward to this because I'm afraid it's already going to come too soon! You're going to have to show me how you put the video clips with all the editing on here. We still need to get together soon!