Thursday, July 30, 2009


It's amazing how much this little man already makes me laugh every day. This one was good for a real good belly laugh :) So, whenever Landon is working on a nice poopie diaper, he grunts a lot and his little face reddens. This is when I usually say, "Are you pooping?". Well, apparently we do this little scene enough that now if I simply ask if he's pooping, he responds with a grunt whether he's pooping or not. This in itself makes me laugh and he smiles along with me, proud that he understands exactly what I'm talking about. (I know, classy huh?) Well...the other day we were hanging out at my mom's salon and Landon was VERY interested in the bright colorful bottles of shampoo on the shelves lining the hallway. He, of course, said, "dat? dat?" repeatedly until I told him that those were bottles of shampoo. His response??? A BIG grunt and a smile. Clearly I put a little too much emphasis on the POO part of shampoo.

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